Building Permits

The Zoning Admin and City Office will strive to assist you with your construction project in an efficient and accountable manner. 

Land use permits are required in Minnesota for a variety of construction and other activities, including:

  • Building new structuresPermits are required for new construction of buildings, decks, sheds, garages, and more 
  • Moving structuresPermits are required to move structures onto a property or off a property.
  • Changing structuresPermits are required to change the height, pitch, or projection of a structure, or to change the type of use for a building
  • Adding to structuresPermits are required to add to existing structures, such as by adding an enclosed entryway or dormers
  • Installing foundationsPermits are required for new or replacement foundations

Permit fees are based on the cost of construction. To obtain a permit for both residential and commercial uses, simply download the forms below (if available) or give us a call and we will be happy to provide you with the necessary forms.

Permits are required to be taken out and paid for prior to starting work. Failure to do so could result in fines.

We will be adding additional information soon.

Contact Info

Brian Thode
Zoning Admin